The Original Emperor was a Woman!

Emperor Palpatine was first shown in Ep. V – The Empire Strikes Back in 1980. This was before Ian McDiarmid was cast to play the character in Return of the Jedi and the prequel trilogy. Instead, makeup director Rick Baker dressed up his wife, Elaine Baker, for the part.

In post-production, a chimpanzee’s eyes were superimposed onto Mrs. Baker’s face to make the appearance of the Emperor more unsettling. The voice was provided by a man, veteran voice actor Clive Revill. The scene was later re-shot with McDiarmid and some slightly different dialog for the DVD release, so your best bet to see the original “woman with chimp eyes” Emperor would be on VHS or YouTube.

via omg-facts









“I love you.”…”I know.”

Possibly THE most unromantic thing I have ever heard a character say..but Harrison Ford is infamous for his nonchalant, cavalier responses and sardonic improvisation.

Here are some examples of what the ol’ genius had to say for himself…

For those of you who think the line is pretty groovy, you can get matching love-rings online that look a little something like this:

And just to prove that we’re not all about Star Wars only here..check the Shakespeare remix, in the mix:

How Online Training Programs could’ve helped Star Wars characters

An infographic by Column Five Media and Mindflash takes a look at how characters from Star Wars could’ve avoided making detrimental mistakes, if they only accessed online training programs on the internet.

A few online courses and tips could’ve helped Grand Moff Tarkin identify the massive weak spot in the Death Star’s construction plans, and Chewbacca to manage his anger problems.

But if these problems were resolved, Star Wars wouldn’t be the classic movie everyone knows of anymore. (via  – full post here)

So,what if Han Solo were a woman???

The whole point of remix is taking a well-known source,sampling it and remixing it with other (equally) recognizable facets of pop-culture and creating an entirely new (and sometimes complimentary and/or purposefully contradictory) narrative.

And on that point; what if we had a gender inversion? Do you fancy the idea of a female Han Solo in a male-dominated matrix of comic book genre heroes?  Or would it be playing into the patriarchy?

Let me know what you think!